These fine replicas of U.S. Morgan Dollars are the HOT new thing for coin workers. Why risk losing valuable keepsake coins - an investment of literally hundreds of dollars - when you can use a perfect substitute? Your audiences will NEVER know!
These museum-quality replicas are made from brass and are individually "weathered", as real coins of this era would be. You can polish them or leave them as is. These are the very BEST replicas available. NOTE -- There are several different grades of replicas out there...don't make the mistake of buying the clunky ones!
This one in particular is definitely an unusual coin! It's a beautifully-struck replica of a U.S. Morgan dollar...but the image of Lady Liberty has been morphed into that of a skull (or zombie, or whatever else your imagination wishes). Use it for a bizarre Spellbound routine. Use it as a talisman. Use it as a conversation piece!
This replica coin will fit inside the Morgan expanded shell offered elsewhere on this site...maybe that suggests additional possibilities to you?
Don't delay...these aren't always available!
See other listings on this site for Morgan Dollar expanded shells and other Morgan Dollar replica utility coins and complete sets.
I offer these unusual coins for....
PLEASE NOTE - If you are not ordering for U.S. delivery, you MUST contact me BEFORE ordering to determine shipping options and rates. The flat rate postage fee DOES NOT APPLY to orders shipped OUTSIDE the United States. Simply send me a list of the items you wish to order and I'll get back to you with the shipping options and rates. Once you decide how you'd like the order shipped, I can send a PayPal invoice directly to you (or we can work out other payment arrangements, if necessary). Thank you!
(Disclaimer - These novelty coin reproductions are for use by magicians only. They are NOT legal tender and attempts to use them as such is punishable by law.)
Morgan ZOMBIE Dollar Replica
- Product Code: MZDR - RB15
- Availability: 8
- Ex Tax: $9.95