Hosted by Dai Kornberg and featuring George Schindler, Dan Ritchard and
the legendary Stanley Burns
This fascinating talk show/documentary was
produced in 1979 as a part of New York University's "University
Broadcast Lab." It was originally distributed by WNYC-TV and WNET-TV,
both New York Public Television affiliates. Broadcast in the New York
area only four times over the course of 1979, this program has been
unavailable for many years. The original videotape master was destroyed,
but a good copy was located, digitally re-mastered and "cleaned up" for
this exclusive re-release on DVD.
Join host Dai Kornberg and his guests
Dan Ritchard (author of "Ventriloquism for the Total Dummy"), George
Schindler (author of "Ventriloquism: Magic with Your Voice") and the
legendary Stanley Burns (author of "Other Voices: Ventriloquism from
B.C. to T.V.") as they discuss and demonstrate "The Art of
Ventriloquism." Folks, this one is a real collectors item. Stan Burns
relates a brief history of ventriloquism while giving practical
demonstrations with his talking hand, his figure "Bruce" and "Bruce's"
figure, little "Cecil". George Schindler - now Dean of the Society of
American Magicians! - also demonstrates a number of vent novelties from
his unique vent business, "Show Biz Services". Finally, Dan Ritchard
"bats them in" with his by-play with his bird character "Conrad" and his
amazing telephone voice technique! You'll be amazed to hear the person
on the other end of the imaginary phone call tap-dancing!
This fascinating program will
be enjoyed by ventriloquists and laymen alike. And it's so good to see
dear old Stan again!
When you order this DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, you will be sent a link to Google Drive, where you can then download the guaranteed-virus-free video file directly onto your own computer. This process is quick and easy if you have a GMail account. You do NOT
have to have Gmail, but you will need to link your existing e-mail with
Google Drive (I can send quick and easy instructions for this). Once
you've downloaded the file, you can disconnect the link if you wish.
This outstanding program runs 25 minutes. You may
own it for only...
PLEASE NOTE: This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, so there is NO CHARGE for delivery outside of the United States. Thank you!