BACK IN STOCK!! -- The original Four Card Brainwave trick!
This is another of my favorite demo tricks! It's fun and easy trick to do - virtually self-working! - and it's a FOOLER!
Show a small wallet as you explain that it contains four court cards... Queens, specifically. Explain to the spectator that only ONE of the Queens is face-UP. The spectator has a 100% free choice of the four Queens: Clubs, Hearts, Spades, or Diamonds. Once the spectator announces his choice of Queens, you open the wallet and remove the four cards and spread them... only ONE card is face up card and it does indeed match the Queen namedt by the spectator! BUT...there's MORE! This Queen is turned face-down so the spectator can see that it has a different back color than the other three queens!
You'll amaze them every time, as this effect is 100% accurate every time! Similar to B'Wave, only no need for equivoque. Carry this mental stunner in your pocket and you will always be prepared to BAFFLE them.
Originally created by Corvelo of Holland, this is the GRANDDADDY of all of the packet Brainwave-type effects. It's a truly time-honored and proven classic in the field of mental card magic! You'll carry this one with you constantly and it'll be a routine you'll enjoy performing over and over!
Supplied with the special Bicycle-style poker-sized cards, the carrying wallet, and complete instructions.
This sells elsewhere for as much as $14.95. You can buy it from me for only...
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Predicta Queen
- Product Code: PQ - RB10
- Availability: 1
- Ex Tax: $8.95
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Tags: magic, trick, prediction, brainwave, card, cards, mental